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4 Key Objectives from the Three-Year Strategic Plan of the San Diego Tourism Authority

By Randy Everett on Jan 29, 2013 8:49:46 AM

As a trusted organization for promoting tourism in San Diego and California, the San Diego Tourism Authority (formally called San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau or “ConVis”) recently announced details about their three-year strategic plan. At Anderson Direct Marketing, we support many local and national businesses with their hospitality-related marketing campaigns, so I was excited to attend their presentation to find out what the SDTA would reveal.

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10 Action Items to Become Successful in Marketing

By Randy Everett on Jan 24, 2013 8:51:26 AM

In a recent presentation to the Undergraduate Marketing Association (UMA) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), I challenged students with 10 Action Items to Become Successful in Marketing. My goal was to provide them with ideas that they could apply immediately or strive to achieve to become more marketable for their first job after graduation.

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10 Tips for Creating a Compelling Webinar

By Ryan Dee on Jan 22, 2013 8:45:43 AM

1. Tell a story. Be sure your webinar has a beginning, middle, and an end. When planning your content, begin with an intriguing main idea and develop an outline around it to ensure you stay on topic. Build your content steadily as you progress to that great “aha” moment at the end. And remember, every great story has a great title. A great title is an excellent way to grab attention and increase attendance.

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