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10 Action Items to Become Successful in Marketing

Jan 24, 2013 8:51:26 AM

In a recent presentation to the Undergraduate Marketing Association (UMA) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), I challenged students with 10 Action Items to Become Successful in Marketing. My goal was to provide them with ideas that they could apply immediately or strive to achieve to become more marketable for their first job after graduation.

The list is compiled from my own personal recommendations based on lessons I've learned from my mentors and my experience over 20+ years of marketing-related jobs. Although they're simply listed below, more details are provided in the slideshow embedded in the blog post. I highly encourage you to view the slideshow for more insight on each recommended action item.


  1. Write a Feature-Benefit Statement
  2. Goals Must Have Dates!
  3. Learn Project Management
  4. Talk, Walk and Breathe Customer Service
  5. Build an Inventory of Skills
  6. Improve Your Research Skills
  7. Improve Your Communication Skills
  8. Optimize Your LinkedIn Account
  9. Build a Lifelong Learning Network
  10. Build a Positive Mental Attitude

The embedded slideshow is also available at this link: 10 Action Items to Become Successful in Marketing

What are some of the action items that you enjoyed? What recommendations can you share with students or marketers that find and read this blog post? I welcome you to leave your comments below and share with our community.


Topics: Best Practices

Randy Everett

Written by Randy Everett

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