Onboarding a new client can sometimes be a grueling process—for everyone involved!
Converting prospects to customers is hard enough, keeping them is the greatest challenge of all, but a great onboarding experience should be a key element in your overall Customer Experience strategy.
As a full service marketing agency, we have a very focused and tight information gathering process with several team members working diligently to understand the history of our client and their products in an effort to ramp up as quickly as possible.
There is no “silver bullet” to onboarding a new client. The onboarding process is a lot of work and can be time consuming. ADM has developed some common sense tools and systems to minimize the amount of work done on the client side.
Below is a snapshot of the primary onboarding activities that we conduct:
- Understand the business/customer problem.
- Understand the business life cycle from planning to creative, through execution & analysis.
- Understand the client brand.
- Gain insight into the internal flow of communication and learn who the key stakeholders and decision makers are.
- Understand the various levels & departments involved in the creative development process.
- Learn about the client approval process and requirements.
- How long is the review for each stakeholder/decision maker?
- How does the client like to receive layouts?
- What are the current pain points with the existing process?
- What are the existing pain points that you are looking to solve in the agency relationship?
I wonder how other Direct Marketing firms do it. What have your experiences been? Good? Bad? Share some stories.