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Medicare Marketing: Increase Your Prospect Universe and Increase Your Opportunities

Jan 9, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Let's talk about putting more on the Medicare marketing menu—how to increase your prospect universe and your Medicare opportunities. Read on to find out more on how to leverage data sources to expand your marketing universe.

Like a coffee shop regular, you’ve been revisiting that prospect list for months. Maybe longer. But now the menu has lost its luster, and you’re looking for something that better satisfies.

Have you thought of using multiple data sources?

You could increase your Medicare prospect universe by 25%!

Coffee Shop Menu.jpg

How it works:

Surprisingly, a sole data source may not include everyone living in a set ZIP Code or county. Say your current list has 10,000 names. Merge that with a list of 10,000 from another source, and you’ll typically net out 12,000-13,000 unique names.

There will be shared records, or so called multi-buyers—a powerful segment on its own—and each source will contribute unique names or households to the whole. Bam. You now have 25% more people to target.

What You'll Gain:

  • More Chances to Win. Plain and simple: a larger prospect universe means more chances to drive home your message and offer and more opportunities to convert new customers.
  • Access to New Markets. Expanding data sources lets you test your current marketing strategy with fresh audience segments. But be sure to ease downside risk by using small, statistically valid sample sizes.
  • Broader Audience Demographics. Merging two or more data sources enables you to enrich the breadth of information you have on each prospect, which can spark new insights and marketing strategies.

Put more on your Medicare marketing menu. Are you missing 25% of your market share by only using one list? Looking for other ways to make your Medicare marketing do more? Bring in the experts.

Additional Reads:

Scott Hopkins

Written by Scott Hopkins

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