Marketing strategies and tactics are often defined by Segment (B2B or B2C), Channel (Email, Direct Mail, Social, etc.) or Industry. However, one of the most important categories to understand is Target Audience and one of the most commonly marketed target audiences are High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI’s)… also known as millionaires, rich or wealthy. HNWI’s have $1,000,000+ of investible or liquid income/assets (excludes Real estate, IRAs, durable/consumable goods, collectables) and represent 3.35 million households in North America*. These households collectively have approximately $11.4 trillion in investible or liquid income/assets and they account for more than half of all consumer spending.
Marketing to High Net Worth Individuals
By Alexandra Walsh on Mar 26, 2013 5:24:29 PM
Dude, Where’s My Unique Selling Proposition?
By Michael Walton on Feb 14, 2013 4:16:31 PM
Why USPs are key to winning new customers, yet so rare.
4 Key Objectives from the Three-Year Strategic Plan of the San Diego Tourism Authority
By Randy Everett on Jan 29, 2013 8:49:46 AM
As a trusted organization for promoting tourism in San Diego and California, the San Diego Tourism Authority (formally called San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau or “ConVis”) recently announced details about their three-year strategic plan. At Anderson Direct Marketing, we support many local and national businesses with their hospitality-related marketing campaigns, so I was excited to attend their presentation to find out what the SDTA would reveal.
Google Analytics: Avoid Three Common Mistakes and Maximize Your Tracking Ability
By Katey Pfeil on Dec 3, 2012 10:00:03 AM
Full Service Marketing Agency Defined
By Katey Pfeil on Nov 19, 2012 10:00:41 AM
Hang around the marketing world long enough and you’ll likely hear some pretty interesting terms and phrases. For example, have you ever heard the term “full service marketing agency” and wondered what it means exactly?
SEO vs. SEM. The Same Thing?
By Katey Pfeil on Oct 25, 2012 10:28:40 AM